This "treatment" lasts for 26 more days. I will have 17 more radiation treatments (28 total) and then a month to recover and then surgery.
I've been very surprised that the chemo is affecting me so severely so quickly. I had been led to believe that most people don't have a strong reaction to 5-FU at least early on. I've never been sensitive to drugs and so I didn't expect to be one of the lucky ones with lots of side effects, but ... After the disastrous IV push in my port of Aloxi (anti-nausea), 10 days ago, I am reading more about any drugs that are suggested. So far, I haven't gotten the nerve to take anything else.
All I really want to do is grab the battery out of this pump and throw it as far as I can. Please pray that I can make it for 26 more days (without pulling out my hair or the pump battery).