Thursday, January 20, 2011

One More Week

Jesus is faithful to hold us up at our weakest.  With His help and the prayers of all  of you, I was able to get my last refill on the chemo pump yesterday.  Earlier, I just didn't think I could stand any more.  But here I am...

I have 5 more radiation treatments, ending on January 26, and so far so good with them.  About 3 weeks after that I will meet with the surgeon, have a scope, and set a surgery date.  It will probably be the later part of March.  I am really looking forward to having a few weeks without any treatments or surgeries.  It has been so fast and furious since September.

Dana and I both have our "wedding dresses" so we are set to have a great time at Kathryn and Scott's wedding on March 19.

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